Tuesday, September 30, 2008

"It is better to be alone than in bad company"- George Washington 1732-1799.
      What I think makes a person "good company" is a good spirit, because if you don't have a good spirit, you don't have the feeling to do anything. If I would pick five people (dead or alive) to join me for dinner, I will pick the following. Queen Elisabeth 1, because she inspires me to become a better leader, even though we are ladies. Janet Jackson, because she is a great singer, songwriter, and a dancer. She has also inspired me to follow my dreams. Rhianna, because she is a strong leader, yet a good singer too. Cleopatra, because even though she was very young she rule more than have a country and did as much as possible to do what she was meant to do. Finally, Britney Spears, because after 1 year of suffering public humiliation, she is now back to singing and dancing as if nothing had happened.   

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