Friday, October 3, 2008

Thursday, October 2, 2008

"Ability is of little account without opportunity"-Napolean Bonaparte, 1768-1821
  I agree with this quote because people (even though talented) need to work hard and overcome adversity so they can be successful in what they want to accomplish in life. Today, we (every person in the U.S.,mostly adults) are going though tough times, the war in Iraq, financial and money problems, yet we are living are daily life like as if nothing is happening and we are succeeding in what we want to accomplish. Also, overcoming adversity feels better because you fought for your accomplishments instead of being there for chance.  

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

"It is better to be alone than in bad company"- George Washington 1732-1799.
      What I think makes a person "good company" is a good spirit, because if you don't have a good spirit, you don't have the feeling to do anything. If I would pick five people (dead or alive) to join me for dinner, I will pick the following. Queen Elisabeth 1, because she inspires me to become a better leader, even though we are ladies. Janet Jackson, because she is a great singer, songwriter, and a dancer. She has also inspired me to follow my dreams. Rhianna, because she is a strong leader, yet a good singer too. Cleopatra, because even though she was very young she rule more than have a country and did as much as possible to do what she was meant to do. Finally, Britney Spears, because after 1 year of suffering public humiliation, she is now back to singing and dancing as if nothing had happened.